I put a Java Games section and there is 1 Star Trek NES games there.

I have just added a maps page and there is some really nice maps there. I have also included a new font for the page and that is a true type font called Verdana. That is my favorite font. I might change the fonts on this website later. I am going to list some credits for people that helped me on my website.

I am making yet another update. I have changed my mind and have removed the bravenet counter I have had alot of trouble with this old counter. I used to think it was the best. Well it would have been if it was up all the time.. I also worked on my information in the Astrometrics databanks. I have also put a clock and the date on here using CGI scrips. These are pretty cool and these are provided from Fortunecity ...My page provider. What a great place!!

I am making another update. I have put another counter on my page. The one that I have on the first page is from bravenet and they shut down there service all the time and I lose visitor counts all the time. I am going to give them a chance for about a month. Although since I have this new counter on here I have to go back to zero and that sucks!!. I have also decided to put a clock on this page.

Added a Space Stations page and there is alot of info that I need for that page. I am going to be researching alot for info and I am also going to be looking for more info on the other planets and other Celestial sites. I just corrected a link on my links page and I have to take one off and I am going to do that today. I have not updated in a few weeks because I needed a break. Otherwise if the update is not a good one I will not be posting it. I am going to update every 3 days.

I just made a webring and award page and took some of the other stuff off of the first page for quicker loading times

I have added alot more pictures and information of more planets and other spacial anomolies. I have added some information about V'Ger and alot of others. I have also added some movie clips.Added a Animation page.

I added a Astrometric Movie page and I have a few space battle movies to Download. More to come later.

I just put on there several pages and completed A-Z Astrometrics Databank. I added 5 more images. I have quite a few more images that I am going to slowly work in there and will begin a new section later.

I just added astrometrics databank c and I put thumbnails for some of the larger pictures and file sizes on there if you hold your mouse over the picture for a second or 2 you will see it

I went to Bravenet.com and found a real good counter and it has a sight stats link. It is the best counter that I ever seen.

I put my links page on today. Had to change some picture formats and set up my MIDI console on this page. Will do more later.

Just changed servers to Fortunecity. I am now uploading all stuff here and will make updates later. The one major change that I did is add frames. And I will make some more changes later. I need to take a break lol.

First Page
Astrometric Movies
Astrometric Maps
Java Games
Astrometric Databank A
Astrometric Databank B
Astrometric Databank Bajor
Astrometric Databank C
Astrometric Databank D
Astrometric Databank DS9
Astrometric Datanbank E-F
Astrometric Databank G-I
Astrometric Databank J-K
Astrometric Databank L-M
Astrometric Databank N-P
Astrometric Databank Q-R
Astrometric Databank S-T
Astrometric Databank U-Z
Space Stations