1.)Galaxy Map
This is the entire Star Trek realm as it would be over our own galaxy. This is not a real detailed map it mostly shows teritories of different races of Star Trek.

2.)Quadrant Map
This is a very basic galaxy map. Showing the Quadrants and a few territories. Mostly some of the larger ones. There are Roman letters coresponding to the correct quadrant.

3.)Galaxy Map
This is a very good map and is very detailed. This is not a official map. Christian R�hl � STDimension made this map did a real good job. This map is hudge. Maximize your window for best viewing.

4.)Hekaras Corridor
This is a map of the Hekaras Corridor. See the H section in the Astrometric Databanks for more info on this sector of space.

5.)Alpha Quadrant
This is a official map of the Alpha Quadrant and is most acurate. However this is a old map and will not have the latest places on the map. Map made by Mahyar Entezari.

6)Alpha Quadrant
This is a map from a game. I dont know what game it is from. E-Mail me if you know what game it is from. I found this map and some of the others like it on the web somewhere and cant remember where it came from. This of the Alpha Quadrant and I dont reconize some of the places.

7.)Gamma Quadrant
This is another game map just like #6 except for it is of the Gamma Quadrant. These dont look official to me. They could be official.

8.)Beta Quadrant
This is a map of the Beta Quadrant. I dont see any of the Romulan and Klingon Empire on this map. Like 6 & 7 this is a game map. Although much of the Beta Quadrant is unmapped. Some of this could be taken as good info.

9.)Bajoran Sector
This is a map of the Bajoran sector of space. This is a very small version that I have here. I also have a larger version and that is in Bitmap format and is way too large and would load very slow. I am going to change it when I get a editor.

10.)Bajoran Solor System
This is a upclose view of the Bajoran solor system. And it has all of the planets and DS9 pictured and even apears to have a comet.

11.)United Federation Of Planets
I think that this map came from a older version of Star Trek Encyclopedia. Donated by Admiral QCrystal

12.)Neutral Zone Border
This is one of the very few maps from the Old Series Star Trek. This map shows Federation outposts and the narrow Neutral zone and the Romulan Star Empire. Kudos to Admiral QCrystal for her donation.

13.)U.S.S Voyager position
This partially animated map shows U.S.S Voyager's position in the galaxy and the route that was taken in a general way. Although not specific.
