64.)Ligon II
A Class M planet of dark-skinned, pre-technological humanoids with a strict code of honor and rulers determined by their bride's wealth; an orbital control station may be operated by another entity. As the source of a rare "medicinal substance" that is the only cure known for Anchilles fever, it is visited by the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D circa stardate 41235. The planet and its people were known to the Federation as far back as the 2320's, when at least one native took part in a wrestling match at Starfleet Academy.
Reference:TNG Code Of Honor

65.)Lunar V
A Class M planet of dark-skinned, pre-technological humanoids with a strict code of honor and rulers determined by their bride's wealth; an orbital control station may be operated by another entity. As the source of a rare "medicinal substance" that is the only cure known for Anchilles fever, it is visited by the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D circa stardate 41235. The planet and its people were known to the Federation as far back as the 2320's, when at least one native took part in a wrestling match at Starfleet Academy. See Angosia III
Reference:TNG The Hunted

66.)Galaxy M-33
The Messier catalog designation for the more popularly known Triangulum Galaxy, two beyond the Milky Way where the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D first pulls out of Kosinski's and Traveler's warp experiment gone awry -- 2.7 million light-years from where it began.
Reference:TNG Where No One Has Gone Before(Picture scanned by LtcmndrJad)

Class M planet whose dominant humanoid species became extinct in 2266, last seen by a Federation archeology team of Robert and Nancy Crater. The natives, who fed maily on salt, had the power of cellular mimicry much like Dominion Founders but retained a solid, shaggy form with suckers on the hands and feet.
Reference"TOS The Man Trap

A ringed orange planet in a system half a light-year away from Bringloid, home to the descendants of the five surviving 22nd Century scientist-colonists of the S.S. Mariposa. This planet is located in the Ficas Quadrant in the alpha quadrant.See Bringloid
Reference:TNG Up The Long Ladder

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Home of the Utopia Planetia Starfleet base and orbital shipyards. They disappear with all other modern trappings when Bell's premature death changed the known future timeline.
Reference:DS9 Past Tense I(Episode name provided by Lt Nikki)

70.)Meltasion asteroid belt
A reltively narrow asteroid field circling Gamelan somewhere within the orbit of its fifth planet. Despite its size, it proves to be an obstacle to towing a radiation-leaking garbage scow endangering Gamelan V for incineration in its sun. See Gamelan V
Reference:TNG Fianl Mission

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A world which shifts between this and an intersecting non-corporeal dimension, existing in solid form only for 12 days every 60 years when discovered in 2366; at that time, when solid it was populated by a dwindling colony of 30 in its southern hemisphere. It is theorized that the shift is caused by fluctuations in the planet's quantum matrix, triggered by an imbalance in its star's fusion core.
Reference:DS9 Meridian(First Picture scanned by LtcmndrJad)

1st planet around the star called sol. temperatures reach around 800 degree's ferenhieght

73.)Mine Field
This was a massive minefield placed by the wormhole by DS9 to prevent the dominion to come through the wormhole in force.
Self replicating mines are cloaked weapons that automatically replace themselves if they are destroyed. Disabling them is extremely difficult, and involves the use of a massive anti-graviton generator. SRMines are developed by the Federation to prevent the Dominion from sending ships through the Bajoran wormhole to support their forces in the Alpha Quadrant. They are extremely effective weapons that frustrate the dominion for months, before starfleet retakes Deep Space 9. Mining the wormhole presents a number of problems. Dominion ships could destroy conventional pulse mines from a distance, clearing a path to the wormhole. A new approach is needed to make the wormhole useless to the Dominion.
The mines are cloaked to prevent them from being detected> Because the Dominion has extremely advanced sensor technology, starfleet has to make the mines smaller than they would like; each mine is no more than a meter across, which means that one mine cannot produce a high enough explosive yield to disable a warship. To compensate for this, the minefield is extremely tightly packed, ensuring that any ship trying to pass through the field is likely to connect with dozens of mines.The mines are also programmed to swarm detonate in groups of 20 or 30. Another important side effect of making the mines so small is that there has to be an unusually large number of mines. Starfleet also needs to be able to replace the mines quickly, but as the minefield will be in dominion territory, there will be no chance to visit and maintain it. Rom, a Ferengi engineer working on DS9, suggests that the answer is to make the mines self-replicating. Each mine is equipped with a replicator so that it can replace its neighbours as they are destroyed. Because the mines are activated by proximity sensors, the minefield cannot be activated until all the mines are deployed. Because so many mines are needed, laying a mine field is a slow process; it takes 4 days to establish the field around the wormhole. The mines are extremely sensitive, so when a ship is deploying them, it must be careful not to make any sudden movements. The only way to prevent the mines from replacing themselves is to isolate them in an anti-graviton beam. The Dominion eventually discovers that it can do this by reconfiguring the field generators in DS9's deflector dish, so that they can be refocused to produce a massive anti-graviton beam which they direct at the minefield. Once this has been done, it is a relatively simple operation to destroy the mines.
Reference:DS9 A Call To Arms(Info provided by Lt. Nikki)

A planet of the Lorenze system; the primary is a small cluster. Its people destroyed themselves with their own super-sophisticated arms systems built to be sold elsewhere; their most advanced system destroyed the Drake and nearly the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D before being disarmed.
Reference:TNG Arsenal Of Freedom

75.)Mintaka III
The Terran-named home star system to the proto-Vulcan race is a binary, also known by its name in Bayer nomenclature, Delta Orionis. An O-class giant dominates the pair, located from 1,500 to 2,350 light-years from Sol.Class M world with a native proto-Vulcan population being studied by a Federation anthropological team until their cover is blown in 2366.
Reference:TNG Who Watches The Watchers

76.)Miramanee`s Planet
A Federation planet with a population of 3,724,000. In 2268 the U.S.S. Enterprise was sent to divert was is thought to be an asteroid on a collision course with the planet. The asteroid actually turned out to be the Fabrini spaceship, Yonada. The spaceship was built within the asteroid 10,000 years ago by the Fabrini to save from the death throws of their sun.
Reference:TOS The Paradise Syndrome

77.)Mordan IV
Neutral planet with UFP connections that finally gained peace in 2359 after 40 years of civil war. Led by Gov. Karnas, who was roundly credited with ending the war although he actually started it with the secret help of Adm. Mark Jameson, it is within four days' journey at Warp 4 from Persephene V.
Reference:TNG Too Short A Season

78.)Muraski 312
This Quasar has baffled scientists for more then a few hundred years. Power output from this Quasar is greater then 2000 times the average output of a typical galaxy. The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 made a detour to study it on the way to Makus III. When the Enterprise launched it shuttle Gallileo Muraski 312 started battering the shuttle with energy and causing sensors to be completely disabled and also the shuttle was pulled twards the quasar. And in the process the shuttle crashlanded on the surface of the planet Taurus II(Refer to the S-T section)
Reference:TOS The Galileo Seven(Epesode name provided by Lt.Nikki)
