A populated, Class M planet wiped out when its star Beta Niobe went supernova in 2269. Its humanoid population had built a time-travel device which allowed them to seek refuge in their world's past.
Reference:TOS All Our Yesterdays

Proper name of Sol VI and the site of the Nova Squadron's fatal accident while rehearsing a maneuver to be transmitted live for the Starfleet Academy graduation ceremonies of 2368 on Earth.
Reference:TNG The First Duty

84.)Selcundi Drema
A star, often known simply as just "Drema," with four planets after an unstable fifth disintegrated into an asteroid belt sometime since 2215.. It often lends its name to the adjoining sector of space of five star systems overall, first visited directly by the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D in 2365 after unmanned probes had earlier revealed unusual geological activity in all the systems.
Reference:TNG Pen Pals

85.)Solais V
A planet of two factions who in 2365 asked the renowned mediator Riva to negotiate an end to their civil war that had lasted 15 centuries; both sides -- distinguished outwardly by only the hair color -- had apparently fought so long they faced extinction. Thanks to his efforts, the planet has stabilized to the point that freighters are able to conduct trading there by 2372, including Kasidy Yates' ship.
Reference:DS9 The Adversary

86.)Surata IV
A Class M world first surveyed by a team including Chief Engineer LaForge and Commander Riker in late 2365 and home to a predatory vine with neuro-invasive microbes which nearly killed Riker.
Reference:TNG Shades Of Grey

87.)Tanuga IV
A planet with an orbiting science station directed by Dr. Apgar until his death in 2366 and Commander Riker's implication in it, later proven false. Its humanoid people are not major space-farers but are familiar with Federation technology, including the Holodeck.
Reference:TNG A Matter Of Prespective

88.)Tau Cygna V
A dry, hostile Class H world near Sheliak space but some distance from Shelia itself, ceded to them under Section 133, Paragraph 77 of the 111-year-old Treaty of Armens. Located in the de Laure belt, it is subjected to normally fatal concentrations of heavy hyperonic radiation. Still, a colony of 15,253 human survivors lived there for 90 years until their removal in 2366, descended from the surviving two-thirds of the passengers originally bound for Septimus Minor.
Reference:TNG Ensigns Of Command

Taurus II
Class M planet, located near Murasaki 312, is inhabited by primitive, aggressive, furry humanoids standing four meters in height and equipped with stone-point spears. The shuttle craft Galileo crashlanded on Taurus II in 2267.
Reference:TOS The Galileo Seven(Info by Lt. Nikki)

89.)Temporal Rift
A symmetrical tear in time that opens up an alternate history when it takes the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-C from its mercy sacrifice against Romulans at an attacked Klingon outpost, Narendra III. The resulting war-weary United Federation of Planets alternate history is blinked out without a memory when the old ship returns to its intended fate, repairing the damage. The swirling circular rift showed gravimetric fluctuations unlike Data had ever seen: no event horizon, center or outer edge, or coordinates. He theorized it might be a Kerr loop of superstring material and highly unstable, formed from high-energy interaction in the original battle vicinity such as exploding photon torpedoes.
Reference:TNG Yesterday's Enterprise

A moon in Saturn's orbit. More info comming later

The formal name of the Trills' home world, only 37 hours from Deep Space Nine aboard the Defiant. One site of renown is the Hoobishan Baths. At least part of the government, organized in ministries, resides with a Legislature which did not have women as members until the time of Lela, Dax's first host, circa 2100. Sisko had never visited there until he and Bashir brought the ailing Jadzia Dax for treatment at the Symbiosis Commission, located in the capital city amid parklands and tall towers.
Reference:DS9 Equilibrium

92.)Turkana IV
A Class M colony, the birthplace of Tasha and Ishara Yar, whose government began to fail about 2337 as dozens of fighting cadres began to destroy its beautiful city of round multi-story towers, forcing people underground. In desperation, the government gave the two strongest factions police powers to curb the violence, but that only hastened its fall. Some 15 years later complete anarchy had set in and Turkana severed all relations with the Federation; in their last contact with the UFP in 2361, planet leaders warned that any visitors would be killed; a visit by the Enterprise-D in 2367 found the status quo unchanged.
Reference:TNG Legacy

93.)Tycho IV
World where a dikironium cloud creature was chased and desroyed in 2268 by the U.S.S. Enterprise. The Class M but unpopulated world suffered cataclysmic atmospheric damage in the antimatter detonation.
Reference:TOS The Passenger
