A region of space between the federation and the Cardasian Union. Also part of the DMZ. This region of space is a plasma charged sector of space. Home to the Maquis. Once part of the Federation and traded off to the Cardasian Union as part of peace treaties. And the people that lived here became the Maquis and this place has also became a battle ground ever since. And when the Dominion came they chased the Maquis out and killed most of them. In the mirror universe the Badlands is part of the Terran Rebellion. There is a large asteroid almost the size of a planet. Was used by Maquis when they abducted Gul Dukat. Some rebel Star Fleet personel was there as well including Cal Hudson.
Reference:Numerous episodes in both TNG and DS9

18.)Barzan II
It is not stated what type of planet this world is. This world is independant and has a unstable wormhole nearby. A very proud intelligent race that inhabits this world but not very rich in resources. This planets atmosphere is most likely the same as the benzites atmosphere. When the inhabitants leave they must use breathing devices. The wormhole is then later destabilized on the Gamma Quadrant side by a Ferengi vessel from a graviton burst.
Reference:TNG The Price

19.)Bersalis III
Planet whose renowned firestorms, occurring every seven years, forced the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D to evacuate the Federation outpost there in 2369.
Reference:TNG Lessons(Picture Donated and scanned by LtcmndrJad)

20.)Beta Stromgren
A red super giant super nova star that is located in the Beta Quadrant. Discovered by the Vega 9 probe 23 parsecs beyond the limit of manned Federation exploration as of stardate 43779 -- in a sector claimed by the Romulans. "Tin Man" is discovered orbiting it and remains behind in the wake of its explosion.
Reference:TNG Tin Man

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The homeworld of the Betazoid race, a UFP member, is Earth-like in appearance with large blue oceans. It is within a standard shuttlecraft's range of Starbase G-6, and it lies close enough to the Tagus/Kaelon route taken by the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, during Admiral Satie's time aboard, that Lwaxana Troi can get onboard for a visit. It hosts a biennial trade conference circa stardate 43930, when Counselor Deanna Troi, her mother, Betazed Ambassador Lwaxana Troi, and Commander Riker are abducted by Ferengis from one of its large parklands. The Trois lived there near Lake El-Nar until Kestra, Deanna's older sister, died. Mr. Homm, Lwaxana's personal assistant, resides there when not accompanying her. Troi says Angel I's government reminds her of Betazed's; it is not clear whether she means the constitutional oligarchy or its matriarchal social structure.
Reference:TNG Menage A Troi

22.)Beyond The Galaxy
No info yet

The religious planet of the Klingons dedicated to Kahless and his return. More information later.The most sacred place of Klingons -- pronounced "bore-OTH" -- where Kahless was supposed to return, hosted a monastery for clerics keeping watch until his return and maintained after their cloned version became Emporer in 2369. It lies at 12 days' journey from somewhere between the Alwanir Nebula and Gariman by a Starfleet shuttlecraft.
Reference:TNG Rightfull Heir

Home star of the system where the Ferengi ship Kreechta ambushes the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D amid mock war games with an 80-year-old derelict in orbit around the second planet. Located in the Oneamisu Sector, its three planets in order outward are named Totoro, Yuri and Kei.
Reference:TNG Peak Preformance

25.)Bre'el IV
An inhabited world facing the planetwide chaos of landquakes, tidal waves of over 10 meters and climate-altering dust clouds when its astroidal moon threatens to fall out of orbit -- until Q helps out. Though knowledgeable of the Federation, the planet apparently has no mass space travel; its roughly humanoid people take shelter planetside.
Reference:TNG Deja Q

26.)Bre'el Moon
An astroidal satellite, cratered and gray much like Luna, that threatened planetwide climactic crisis and an impact crater 1,600 km across if it fell out of its 55,000 km orbit in 2367 -- a disaster averted by Q.
Reference:TNG Deja Q

A yellow star in the Ficus Sector entering a period of severe flare activity around stardate 42827, endangering the human-descended colonists on its fifth planet befoe evacuation by the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D.Nearby Celestial sight:Bringloid V:Class M planet endangered by increasing stellar flares and instability in 2365, home to the 223 descendants -- with two more births due -- of the mostly forgotten Neo-Transcendentalists dropped off by the S.S. Mariposa colony ship that left Earth in 2123. Anachronisms even then, the people took refuge 30 meters below the surface but have no advanced technology. Also see Mariposa
Reference:TNG Up The Long Ladder

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This planet is a class M planet with a ring around it consisting of Metaphasic energy that has regenerative properties to all life forms on the planet. The Inhabitants on the planet are called the Baku and they have only been here for a couple hundred years. They are the same kinda as the Son'a. The Son's once lived on the planet and were exiled later. The planets regenerative properties heal any sickness and keep a life form alive for along time granting imortality as long as they stay on the planet. The Son'a and the Federation teamed up later and tried to use the rings properties by extracting it.Nearby Celestial Sights:The Briar Patch

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29.)Briar Patch
Near the planet Baku. This is where the EnterpriseE and a Son'a ship battled. This nebula does not alow warp travel and there is intense radiation in this area.
