This is the 8th planet in the sol system. More information comming later

80.)The Nexus
This is a spacial anomoly that travels across the univers and crosses many sectors of space and repeats it's journey about every 80 years. The Nexus also passed by Veridian III. This spacial anomoly is a dimension inside where time has no meaning and anything wished for is granted and anything the imagination can create is there.
Reference:Movie Insurrection

81.)Ohniaka III
No info

82.)Omicron Theta
Remote star whose sytem included a Class M planet where Noonian Soong and his wife created their androids, including Data, while living among 410 other science colonists. All life was wiped out sometime before 2338 by the Crystalline Entity lured there by Lore, Data's predecessor model.
Reference:TNG Datalore

The third planet in the Delos system and home of a culture grown psycho-physically dependent on a drug grown on sister planet Brekka. The drug is called Felicium. Ornara, originally the more technologically advanced of the two worlds, used felicium to halt a plague in 2164 but has been kept dependent on the drug by Brekka to support that planet's lone industry.
Reference:TNG Symbiosis

84.)Paulson's Nebula
A nebula in the area of Zeta Alpha and Sentinel Minor, which registers 82 percent dilithium hydroxyls, with magnesium and chromium as well. The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D takes refuge there in 2370 within its sensor-confusing material from the renegade Borg.
Reference:TNG Best Of Both Worlds I

85.)Penthara IV
Site of a Federation human colony of 20 million where the resulting dust from an asteroid's impact in 2368 blocked over 80 percent of the incoming sunlight and threatened eco-disasters, including a temperature drop of 10-12 degrees C. in the first 10 days and two tropical rivers beginning to freeze. The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D is finally able to ionize the atmospheric ash and dust into plasma that is deflected into space.
Reference:TNG A Matter Of Time

86.)Persephone V
Planet where U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D picks up Admiral Jameson to negotiate the crisis on Mordan IV, a four-day journey at Warp 4.
Reference:Too Short A Season

87.)Planet Killer
A ancient machine that was created long ago by a race that is unknown and in a unknown part of the universe. It is a machanical weapon of immense size and can swallow a dozen starships and dice up a planet with a anti proton beam to use the rubble of planet for fuel. The Planet Killer is made out of 100% Neutronium One of the hardest known metals and cannot not be penetrated by any know weapon. This machine was begining to travel through the most heavilly populated areas of the Fedeartion and destroyed all the planets in systems L-370 and L-374 untill finally being destroyed by the combined efforts of the USS Constelation NCC 1017(Badly damaged)and the USS Enterprise NCC 1701. They finally used to Contellation to go into the center of the planet killer and self destruct to annihilate the machine. The explosion that was required to destroy it was 97.835 megatons and that destroyed the internals of the machine. However it did not destroy the neutronium casing.
Reference:TOS The Doomsday Machine(Info Lt. Nikki and edited slightly by me)

The 9th planet in the sol system with one moon called Charon
