7th planet in the sol system. More info comming later

95.)Vagra II
A minimally Class M planet in the Zed Lapis sector that Captain Picard quarantines from further contact on stardate 41602 because of its lone inhabitant, the all-evil and abandoned being Armus.
Reference:TNG Skin Of Evil

Valo III
Home world of the figurehead Bajoran ad hoc leader Jaz Holza.
Reference:TNG Ensign Ro

96.)Vandor IX
A rocky planetoid in an elliptical orbit around the binary star Vandor, a B-class giant and a pulsar, where Dr. Paul Manheim's time experiments caused a disturbance in the fabric of time in late 2364.
Vandros System. A remote binary star located by Dr. Paul Manheim and his team after a two-year search where he carries out his time experiments. Located at galactic coordinates 664.8 x 1323.7 x 4949.9, the system includes a B-class giant with a pulsar companion - an oddity selected for the lab site due to its dense gravity field.
Reference:TNG We'll Always Have Paris

97.)Velara III
Site of a Federation terraforming base due to be Class M within 30-35 years until it is quarantined by Captain Picard when inorganic yet intelligent life is discovered there. The only water is subsurface and extremely salty.
Reference:TNG Home Soil

The native proper name for Sol II, home of several terraforming stations and a common site for Academy flight training within its atmospheric storms.
Home of several terraforming stations, which disappear with all other modern trappings when Bell's premature death changes the known future timeline.
Reference:DS9 Past Tense I

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99.)Veridian III
Uninhabited Class-M planet in the veridian system. In 2371, the nexus energy ribbon passed very near to Veridian III. For this reason, Dr Tolian Soran used Veridian III as the launch site for his trilithium probe, used in his unsuccessful attempt to extinguish the Veridian star. The saucer module of the starship Enterprise-D crash landed on the surface of Veridian III in the incident, which also claimed the life of former enterprise captain James T Kirk. Captain Kirk is buried on a mountain top on Veridian III.
Reference:Star Trek Generations The Movie(info provided by Lt.Nikki and the 3rd image scanned by LtcmndrJad)

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Voyager VI
The Voyager VI probe was the culmination of one of the most successful space exploration programmes of the late 20th century. Officially approved in May of 1972, the voyager Mission was overseen by engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL)- then part of NASA. All of the Voyager spacecraft were nearly identical in construction-each comprised more than 65,000 individual parts. The probes were powered by radioisotape thermoelectric generators, which converted heat from the natural radioactive decay of plutonium into electricity to power the spacecraft's instruments, computers, radio and other systems. All of the probes carried gold disks inscribed with audio messages of welcome in 55 languages, a sampling of various types of music, and 116 images as well as diagrams of mathematical concepts and the location of the probes' origins etched onto the face of the disk. The final probe in the voyager series, Voyager VI, was launched, once again from Kennedy Space Center, in late 1999. This spacecraft was designed with a further-reaching goal than its predecessors. Rather than having pre-set mission objectives, the spacecraft was programmed with the directive to collect all data possible, learn all that was learnable, and to return that knowledge to its creator. Its programming allowed Voyager VI to adapt to changing circumstances and conditions, while still gathering large amounts of data. For several years Voyager VI functioned perfectly, but shortly after leaving Earth's solar system the spacecraft encountered a black hole. Voyager VI was unable to manoeuvre out of the massive gravitational pull and was drawn into the black hole, at which time all contact with the spacecraft was lost. After falling into the black hole, Voyager VI emerged, damaged, on the other side of the galaxy, where it encountered a planet of living machines. The inhabitants of the machine planet recognised Voyager VI as a kindred spirit, and therefore gave it the ability to carry out its prime directive-learn all that is learnable and return that knowledge to its creator. They constructed a massive machine around the probe and endowed it with a massive data storage capacity and the ability to destroy objects and store them three-dimentionally. During its long journey back that it eventually achieved consciousness. However, because of the damage it had sustained, it now believed that its name was V'Ger.
The entity known as V'ger is a biomechanical life form that enters Klingon and then federation space in 2271. It is unlike anything that starfleet has ever encountered before. At first sight, it appears to be a massive cloud that is far larger than a planet and generates an enormous amount of energy. When it enters klingon space, the klingons despatch 3 battle cruisers, to investigate. The cloud is measured at over 82 AU's (astronomical units), or 12 billion, 3 hundred million kilometres in diameter. The vessels are destroyed. The cloud next encountered the Epsilon IX monitoring station. They performed scans on the cloud, but V'ger took it as a threat and destroyed it. The USS Enterprise NCC-1701 is sent to intercept the cloud while it is 54 hrs away from earth, who discover that it is composed of twelfth power energy-the equivalent of the energy output of thousands of starships. V'ger communicates on a frequency of more than a million megahertz and at such a high rate of speed that an entire message only lasts a millisecond. The cloud defends itself with a plasma energy weapon. The vessel part of V'ger is extremely large. It appears organic, but harbours no life forms. The Voyager VI space probe is at the center of it all, the craft includes many different area's, one of which V'ger creates a class M environment for the enterprise crew. V'ger has an extraordinary ability to evolve. Realising it lacks the intuitive, irrational elements which allow humans to deal with some complex, non-scientific concepts, it merges with a human being and dissolves its physical form as it evolves on to a new plane of existence.
Reference:Star Trek The Motion Picture(Info from Lt.Nikki

101.)Whirlpool Enity
A massive consciousness in the form of a swirling whirlpool that suddenly appeared in a relatively empty sector between Starbase 73 and Endicor in 2365. It had a tractor-like pull that holds the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, at even Warp 9, and threatens to destroy the ship over and over in an endless Moebius loop of time.
Reference:TNG Time Squared

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Vulcan once fought a hundred-year war with Romulus - a conflict Q blames on a misunderstanding caused by one of Q2's "self-destructive" stunts. It is not specified whether this was related to the original Vulcan-Romulan schism, or followed their split.
A founding member of the United Federation of Planets, its pointy-eared natives turned to logic as a path away from self-destructive violence nearly 2,000 years ago, and a splinter group with star drive left to found the Romulan Star Empire. Its government includes the titled leaders "ministers" -- including the security ministry, known as the V'Shar -- and a Bill of Rights to protect civil liberties.Though its people are pacifists, it maintains its own defense fleet. In recent years, an extreme isolationist movement sprang up dedicated to withdrawal from the United Federation of Planets and fighting the "pollution" of Vulcan culture. Meanwhile, an underground group on Romulus worked to spread peaceful reunification between the worlds. The hot, dry and marginally Class M world was aware of Earth but had no interest in the primitive world until a passing survey ship noted Chochrane's warp signature on April 4, 2063, and became the first alien contact in human's history. Vulcan once fought a hundred-year war with Romulus -- a conflict Q blames on a misunderstanding caused by one of Q2's "self-destructive" stunts. It is not specified whether this was related to the original Vulcan-Romulan schism, or followed their split. Vulcan features huge wilderness preserves and was the site of exile for the Cardassian poet Iloja sometime in the last 300 years ago, where Tobin Dax met him.
Reference:Numerous Episodes

103.)White Dwarf Star
The remains of a red supergiant which collapsed as the science ship U.S.S. Tsiolkovsky stood by to monitor in 2364. The huge shifts in gravity caused by the transformation lead to a case of waterborne infection of intoxication, named for the ship.
Reference:TNG The Naked Now

104.)Wolf 359
The star third-closest to Sol and Earth, at about 2.35 parsecs or 7.6 light-years, where some 40 Starfleet ships in Admiral Hanson's armada were routed by the Borg circa stardate 44000; they didn't last long enough for expected Klingon aid.
Reference:TNG Best Of Both Worlds

Located in and/or near Sector 9569 and the Zeta Gelis cluster, the home world of Sunad and the evolving "John Doe." The civilization has vessels that can sustain at least Warp Factor 9.72 and not be intimidated by a Galaxy-class starship --including a paralysis field that strangles the crews of nearby opposing ships.
Reference:TNG Transfigurations

The outer of two planets of M34 Alpha and home to a humanoid native race preyed upon by sister planet Ekos in rthe mid-2200s. The culture has rudimentary interplanetary travel.
Reference:TOS Patterns Of Force
