59.)Jouret IV
A Class M planet that has a Federation colony called New Povidence. This colony was completely wiped out by the borg in 2366. Entire cities and other places was completely removed from the planet as though they was scooped up. Alot of craters was left behind by the Borg
Reference:TNG Best Of Both Worlds I(Info provided by Lt Nikki)

The 6th planet in orbit around the star Sol. Just past the great asteroid belt. This is a gas giant planet and has several moons. More information comming later.

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Klingon-Romulan border planet and site on 2293 of the would-be assassination of the UFP president during multi-planet peace talks with the Klingons, partly thwarted by Enterprise and Excelsior, and in 2344 the infamous site of a Romulan massacre of Klingons engineered by the traitor Ja'rod.
Klingon planet on the Romulan border that has twice played a pivotal role in Alpha Quadrant history in the last century: in 2293, as the site of historic multi-planet Federation peace talks with the Klingons that were almost disrupted by the assassination of the UFP president, and in 2344 with the infamous Romulan massacre of the 4,000 Klingon outpost colonists there, engineered by the traitor Ja'rod, while the Romulan-Klingon alliance was still technically in effect. For many years Worf was thought to be the only survivor as a boy of 6, but iin 2366 his nurse, Kahlest, and a younger brother Kurn who was not present were also discovered. The brothers' father and Ja'rod's rival, Mogh, was originally accused of betraying the colony's defense shield access codes, but it is Ja'rod's son Duras who had the "captured" files doctored as part of a cover-up, fostered by the High Council to avoid civil war if the truth got out. In 2369, Worf discovered even more Klingons who had been captured while unconscious at a perimeter post, taken and held against their will, and dishonored by their choice of captivity over suicide. They opted stay in a secret Romulan camp on Carraya IV to avoid bringing dishonor to their families back home.
Reference:TNG Sins Of The Father

62.)Klavdia III
A world remarkably similar to Daled IV: an inhospitable environment, a troposphere that interferes with normal ship-to-surface communications -- and also the site of a research station. Salia, the heir to rule Daled's allasomorphs, was secluded there for her safety as she grew up.
Reference:TNG The Dauphin

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Green in color, a planet of the star Klingon and the site of the Imperial Empire's capital First City. It includes a lone large land mass with a vast ocean, with a severely tilted axis that causes wild seasonal changes, a turbulent atmosphere and extremes of both warm and frigid weather. Perhaps the formal name, it is capitalized when written. The capital city remains neutral to both sides during the empire's civil war, and even houses Sela and Movar. The proper name of the green and blue world is Kronos, written as "Q'onoS." It is within hailing distance after a day out at an unspecified warp speed from Vulcan; direct communication is possible at least within four days' travel at warp.
Reference:TNG Sins Of The Father
