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The Class M homeworld of the humanoid Bajoran race is Earth-like in appearance with large, blue oceans and seas that appear a little more greenish than Earth's from orbit. A "day" is a 26-hour rotation on its axis, and it has at least five moons, although two may be rouges. It takes its name from the star of the system and is located close to the first known stable wormhole, discovered circa stardate 46392 in 2369. Long before, however, ancient solar-sail craft harnessed its eddies and journeyed to the nearby Cardassian system, then much less advanced than Bajor. The entire planet, or at least its largest continent, is known by geographic areas such as the Northwestern District, Northeastern District, etc. These districts in turn are composed of provinces such as Tozhat, Musilla, Hedrikspool. Dahkur, Lonar, and Rakantha. Bajor's territory also extends to outposts on other nearby worlds and along the Cardassian border, such as Dreon VII; the first Bajoran colony in the Gamma Quadrant, New Bajor, was reported to be maturing by stardate 47879.2 until violent plasma storms in the Denorios Belt cut off communications. Though boasting an ancient and highly spiritual people whose culture flowered with arts and sciences long before such development on Earth, the planet's resources and pride were plundered by occupying Cardassians from 2318 to 2369, until decades of underground resistance finally forced the withdrawal; it had been annexed outright in 2329. While Bajoran underground cells fought for freedom during the Occupation and its religious orders were persecuted, the University of Bajor and institutions such as the Bajoran Center For Science remained open, natives were allowed to maintain technical, scientific and clerical jobs and training, and many Bajoran data banks survived intact and functional. The nearby wormhole and its non-lineal alien builders are worshipped as the Prophets by the natives, especially after contact devices called Orbs were discovered. Bajor cemented a relationship with the UFP by inviting Starfleet administration of Terok Nor, the onetime Cardassian slave-labor mining and processing station in orbit; it was renamed DS-9 and moved near the wormhole to protect it. DS-9 is now about five hours away from Bajor by native transport, though only about three-hours away by Runabout. Its petition for UFP membership was finally approved ca SD 50350, only to be postponed at the Emissary's warning not to join yet; indeed, Cardassia reoccupied the station in late 2373 as a Dominion client state after Bajor declared a non-agression pact with both for its own self-survival. Bajor has also dealt with recent tensions involving Klingons and the Maquis rebels. While not yet a Federation member, Bajor boasts several natives in Starfleet, including the missing Sito Jaxa and the now-renegade Ro Laren; others are in the Academy.

Bajor's Sun
A star with 14 planets whose appellation is commonly used for its largest and most populated world. The system has recently become independent again after decades of Cardassian occupation. It takes an average of 29 seconds for a Galor-class warship to leave Cardassian space and be in Bajoran space.

Bajor's Moon
Eighth planet in the Bajoran star system with six colonies containing several thousand Bajoran settlers; its proper name is Andros and it has at least two moons. Terrorist Tahna Los, after picking up the explosive bilitrium from the Duras sisters behind the "lower" moon, threatened to blow up the planet's colonists in 2369 if Major Kira did nott take him to Deep Space Nine.

Bajor's Mirror Universe
Bajor looks similar in the Mirror Universe, but there it is a Terran slave planet for many decades. Upon liberation it becomes a power in its own right running Terok Nor, and petitions to join the Cardassian-Klingon Alliance.

Bajor's Wormhole
Discovered on stardate 46379.1 by DS-9 science officer Jadzia Dax, the Bajoran wormhole is the first and only one completely stable, with either end remaining at a fixed point in space. This "tunnel", approximately 90,000 light years long, connects the Alpha to the Gamma Quadrant with the same time coordinates, providing virtually instantaneous and reciprocal access. The wormhole is not actually of natural origin, having been artificially created by a race of aliens who live there, not subject to time in a linear fashion. In the Bajoran religion, the wormhole is worshipped as the Celestial Temple of the Prophets, its builder, who sent out Orbs as contact devices. Since the discovery of the wormhole, space station Deep Space Nine has been moved from Bajor's orbit closer to it.

Other Bajor picture

Ancient Bajor-Bhala

Kendra Province Bajor