1.)Akritiri Prison satilite
Inhabited, spacefaring Delta Quadrant planet with a fascist police state suppressing a rebellion and maintaining a prison satellite in 2373. No planet in its system is a source of trilithium.

2.)K-7 Deep Space Station
A 22nd century civilian Federation outpost near Sherman's Planet, also located only one parsec from a nearby Klingon outpost. In 2267, a Federation development project for Sherman's Planet was in jeopardy when approximately 1,771,561 tribbles infested the storage bins of quadrotriticale intended for the project, later found poisoned by Klingon agents.
Reference:TOS Trouble With Tribbles & DS9 Trials And Triblations

3.)Terrasphere 8
Terrasphere 8, Starfleet Command Re-creation, was one of about a dozen environmental domes built by Species 8472 throughout the Delta Quadrant to train its people for eventual infiltration of Earth and the Federation. The facility contained an elaborate simulation of the Starfleet Command complex in San Francisco, Earth, and was occupied by the fluidic-space lifeforms isomorphically altered to live as humanoids. The 8472 plan was to familiarize themselves with the procedures, traditions and values of Federation society, and then to place operatives in the highest levels of Starfleet to conduct reconnaissance and to monitor military installations.
Powered by 13 thermionic generators, the simulation used a combination of holographic projection and particle synthesis. The re-creation included not only much of Starfleet Headquarters, but part of the surrounding city of San Francisco, including the Quantum Cafe (although the simulation did not extend to Market Street). The lifeforms posed as actual Federation personnel, including Admiral Bullock, Commander Valerie Archer, Lt. Kinis and groundskeeper Boothby. It was never determined exactly how the species gathered its intelligence.
These training exercises started in 2374 shortly after the U.S.S. Voyager's first encounter with the fluidic-space beings, and continued for about a year until peace overtures from Captain Janeway--in the form of technological exchanges--compelled them to cease their activities and return to their realm.
Reference:VOY In The Flesh

4.)Antares Fleet Yards
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5.)Hirogen Sunspace Array
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6.)Dominion Fleet Yard
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7.)Dominion Planet Base

8.)Federation Repair Dock
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9.)Dominion Planet Base
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10.)Federation Space Dock

11.)Epsilon 9
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12.)Remmler Array
: Designed to conduct Baryon sweeps on Starships,They are designed to service the largest starships, including the Ambassador, Nebula and Galaxy classes.(info and picture from Daystrom Institute Technical Library)

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13.)Federation Relay Stations
. By 2364 some 500 stations per year were being added to te network, and by 2370 this had risen to 1,250. With the advent of the Dominion war, many of the relay stations adjacent to combat zones have been relocated in order to prevent the Dominion from destroying them.(Picture from Daystrom Institute Technical Library)

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14.)Kygokor 2
A Klingon space station. During the Dominion war Klingon and Federation ships worked very closely together, giving each a good picture of the numbers and capabilities of the other.
In 2373, Captain Sisko discovered information indicating that Chancellor Gowron had been replaced by a Changeling. He led a small team into Klingon space in an attempt to infiltrate the Klingon base of Ty'Gokor, the site of an upcoming ceremony which Gowron would attend. The asteroid proved to have several defence stations orbiting it. Each one was over a kilometre and a half tall and was equipped with both disrupter and torpedo weapons. The upper and lower sections were studded with various antennas, indicating a formidable communications and sensor capability. The central section is the largest, and is thought to contain most of the crew quarters and major systems. Above this is a narrower section which has four hangar bays emerging radially from it. Each of these is large enough to accommodate a bird of prey, and it is thought that every station has four such vessels permanently assigned to it in order to provide a local patrol capability and augment its firepower - in much the same way that Starfleet assigned the USS Defiant to Deep Space Nine. Since it was limited to passive scans the Defiant was not able to ascertain anything beyond the basic details, and there are still significant unknowns regarding this station design.(Info and 2 pictures from Daystom Institute Technical Library)

15.)Lysian Space Station
Starfleets first contact with the Lysians occurred under tragic cirumstances; the Enterprise-D crew met a Satarran vessel in space and was incapacitated by some form of neural weapon or capability of the Satarrans. Whilst the Starfleet crew was unconcious the Satarrans wiped much of their memories, and altered the ships records to indicate that the Federation was at war the the Satarrans enemies, the Lysians. Captain Picard, acting under this belief, destroyed a Lysian cruiser and entered Lysian space, heading for their homeworld. The Enterprise destroyed a number of sentry drones defending the Lysian homeworld and approached the central command. Scans indicated that the station, although quite large, was relatively primitive in design. Its primary on-board armament consists of four laser cannons and some missiles equipped with magnetic propulsion and cobalt fusion warheads in the 5 Megaton range; the former naturally would have no effect on a Federation Starship, while the latter where of such low speed and yield that they also presented little threat. Troubled by the fact that their "mortal enemies" were so weak in comparison, Captain Picard refused to continue with the attack and instead attempted to open communications with the Lysians. A Satarran agent masquerading as the ships Executive Officer attempted to overrule the Captain, but was incapacitated by Commander Riker. The Enterprise crew was subsequently able to recover their memories on the way back to Federation territory. The Federation President and the entire Enterprise-D crew issued a joint apology to the Lysians; material reparations were subsequently made to the government for the loss of their vessels. Despite this, the Lysians remain somewhat wary of the Federation and there has been little contact between the two. The Satarrans continue in their war against the Lysians.(Info and picture from Daystrom Institute Technical Library)

20.5KB16.)Orbital Office station-Earth
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17.)Regula 1 Science Station
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18.)Federation SB 1
For many years Starfleet depended on single-ship orbital platform facilities for the construction and maintanence of its starships. However, the rapid expansion of the Federation during the late twenty second and early twenty third centuries was fuelling an increase in the size of Starfleet and the existing platforms were becoming unable to cope with the workload. By 2260 Starfleet was petitioning for a major new orbital facility to be built, and in 2363 it was decided to proceed with this project. The requirement was for a space station which would put all the refining, processing, manufacturing and assembly facilities required for manufacture and maintanence of starships into one place. When finished in 2274 the station was essentially a small city, dedicated to Starship production - cargo ships would bring raw materials in at one end of the line, starships would roll out at the other. This enabled Starfleet to eliminate much of the transportation requirements previously involved in starship construction; the resources saved by this centrilisation covered the initial outlay for Spacedock within ten years. Once it was realised that such efficiency savings could be achieved, it was decided to proceed with further stations in other major centres of Starship production. Starfleet has continued to add new Spacedock facilities to its inventory ever since, with the total now up to sixteen. Over their lives these stations have seen many revolutionary changes; the advent of industrial scale replication in the twenty fourth century was a major revolution throughout the Federation and led to a major refurbishment of the manufacturing facilities on the Spacedocks. This freed up much internal volume, allowing a considerable increase in living standards for the crews. Many different sensor and weapon suites have been utilised on these stations over the years, the most recent being improvements to the shields and weapons to counter the Borg and Dominion threats. It was planned to equip all Spacedocks with quantum torpedoes in place of their photons, but the relatively limited number of such weapons available has made this unfeasible. Instead the Type IV photons have been replaced by Type VI models to give increased penetration power against heavy shielding. During the last five years the Federation has seen a marked upswing in the level of threat directed toward it. As a result of this all Spacedock facilities have been working at maximum output in order to put as many new ships into the fleet as possible, as well as producing weapons for ground forces and other war materials. As such, these stations continue to form the backbone of the Federations war prodcution capability. (came from Daystom Institute Technical Library)

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19.)Star Base 11
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20.)Federation SB 375
Starbase 375 was established near to the Cardassian border, and was an important base during the Dominion war. Admiral Ross was based on the station, along with his aide Captain Sisko. Many important operations were planned and staged from here, including the operation to destroy the Dominions advanced sensor system and the operation to retake Deep Space Nine.(info and picture from Daystrom Institute Technical Library)

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21.)Utopia Planitia
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22.)Argus Aray
but in 2367 the array stopped transmitting data altogether. The Enterprise-D investigated and found the cause to be a probe sent by the Cytherians; while there a failure in the reactor systems of the array threatened to destroy it, but an engineer from the E-D was able to prevent this from happening. given the capabilities of the array it should be capable of providing detailed information on installations many light years away.(info by Daystrom Institute Technical Library)

23.)Dominion Prison
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  24.)Dyson Sphere
The Dyson sphere was discovered by the USS Jenolen in 2294; whilst investigating the sphere, the Jenolen was damaged when it triggered an automated system and crashed on the surface. Captain Montgomery Scott was ultimately the only survivor of the accident, and was rescued by the Enterprise-D when it discovered the sphere in 2369. The Dyson sphere is named for the 20th Century Earth scientist Freeman Dyson; Dyson suggested that civilizations could be classified by the amount(Info and picture from Daystrom Institute Technical Library)
