  75.)Quadra Sigma III
Site of a Federation colony of 504 where a seeping methane-like gas caused a tragic disaster at a mining operation in 2366. The colony's medical distress call was answered by Picard's crew.
Reference:TNG Hide And Q

  76.)Ramatis III
Home world of renowned deaf mediator Riva, a member of the ruling family whose gene for hearing is absent. Those so born use a three-member "chorus" in a centuries-old system to translate their verbal and emotional thoughts.
Reference:TNG Loud As A Whisper

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  77.)Red Super Giant Star
A star collapsing into a white dwarf in 2364 that for eight months drew the attention of the doomed orbiting science ship U.S.S. Tsiolkovsky. The resulting compression nearly destroys the U.S.S. Enterprise, too.
Reference:TNG The Naked Now

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The infamously lush resort planet, orbiting a multiple star in the same sector as Starbase 12, is renowned for its breezes and easy-going, uninhibted sexuality that play host to millions each year. Benefitting from the most elaborate weather control system in the Federation, it is actually a rain-soaked and geologically unstable jungle in its natural state. Despite its freewheeling nature, Risa has been the focal point for the fate of superweapon Tox Uthat stolen from the future in 2366, the abortive Ktairain Expansion plot using an addictive mental game in 2368, and a series of protests by the reactionary New Essentialists movement in 2373. It lies at least 6 hours in a Runabout from DS9.
Reference:DS9 The Nagus. And other numerous episodes

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One of two homeworlds of the Romulan Star Empire, orbiting the star Romulus with its twim Remus, and the site where a Vulcan offshoot race eventually settled after their split over two millenia ago. The planet is divided poltically into provinces, with the cities made up of "segments." Its scenic wonders are many, including the Firefalls of Gal'gathong. The homeworld of the Romulan Star Empire was attacked by Kor sometime during his lifetime, and Garak worked there at least a year as the gardener in the Cardassian Embassy.
Reference:TNG Defector and other numerous episodes

  80.)Rubicun III
The star whose third planet is home to the Edo, first visited by the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D. Together with Strnad and the rest of the nearby star cluster, the area is watched over by a highly-evolved, multi-dimensional "god" entity that proved averse to the visit by the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2364.
Reference:TNG Justice

  81.)Rutia IV
A Class M world, politically non-aligned but a trading partner of the Federation, whose Ansata natives of the western continent have waged a bloody separatist war since 2297 for their independence. The sitauation may have been mediated since Ansatans kidnapped Beverly Crusher as a hostage in 2366, since the planet was stable enough to conduct archaeological research on other planets two years later.
Reference:TNG The High Ground
