  48.)Gagaran V
Site of the Darwin Genetic Research Station, probably located in or near the Gamma 7 sector.
References:TNG Unnatural Selection

Reference:Children Of Time DS9

  50.)Galorndon Core
A strategic Federation world less than half a light-year from the Neutral Zone and always in darkness. Swept by severe electrical storms of charged-particle precipitation that block sensors and communication but not transporter beams, the planet has magnetic fields that break down the synaptic connections of neurons, leading to mental damage. A Romulan craft of at least two crash-landed there on a never-explained mission circa stardate 43349.2 and nearly sparked an incident between the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D and a Warbird sent to retrieve them. At probably a high warp speed as used by the Romulans, the planet is six hours from their side of the Neutral Zone, or an hour from the Federation's side. Two years later, the stolen Vulcan ship T'Pau was delivered there by the Ferengi smuggler Omag to a Barolian freighter en route to Romulus to be used as one of the three "Trojan horse" invasion ships on Vulcan.
Reference:TNG The Enemy

  51.)Gamelan V
A peaceful, defenseless world whose atmospheric radiation levels rise by 3,000% when an alien vessel leaking enormous amounts of radiation is pulled into orbit in 236; three small island groups are projected to be the hardest hit. Its humanoid natives, who have a distinctive slotted nose with dual tendrils extending down over the mouth to the lower jaw, are led by an planet-wide official carrying the title "chairman".
Reference:TNG Final Mission

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  52.)Galactic Barrier
This shimmering barrier of reddish pink is a barrier of negative energy and it marks the edge of the galaxy. Near impossible to navigate through. There has been only 2 vessels known to have entered the Barrier and only one of the made it back home. The S.S. Valiant came and tried to cross the barrier in 2064 they survived the damage to the ship. Although the captain ordered the ship to self destruct because of the side effects of being in the barrier. And the side effects include dying outright and some gain telekinetic abilities that sometimes come close to being god like.
The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 had a few encounters with the barrier.Once in 2265,2268, and another time and they experienced alot of the side effects almost everytime.
Reference:3 TOS episodes(Pictures scanned by LtcmndrJad)

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  53.)Genisis Planet
No info yet(Identified by Lt. Nikki)

Lush Class-M Planet near Bajoran space. Golana was home to a technologically advanced civilisation that vanished 1,000 years ago. Later colonised by Bajorans around 2299, while her family was picnicking there, Molly O'Brien discovered an ancient time portal in a cave and fell through it.
Reference:Time's Orphan DS9(info by Lt. Nikki

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  55.)The Great Barrier
This is a highly concentrated barrier of energy surrounding the center of the galaxy believed to be a giant black hole and also believed to be impossible to navigate through because of some probes that have been sent and never came back and sensors of a shipp are almost completely blinded when near or entering. In 2278 the U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701A entered the great barrier under the control of spoks renegade Vulcan brother. They made it through and encountered a evil being that has been imprisoned there for thousands of years. The Enterprise crew was able to escape with the help of a Klingon BOP and the enity was destroyed.
Reference:Star Trek V(Pics scanned by [email protected])

A beautiful Class M planet oribiting Beta Cassius whose restful, peaceful ambiance is reputed to have recuperative and therapeutic powers; without forces of its own, it looks to the UFP for defense by treaty. A band of Tarellians looking for medical cures arrive there at the same time Deanna Troi's mother and the family of her intended rendezvous there to board the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D for the wedding in 2364.
Reference:TNG Haven

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  57.)Hekaras Corridor
An area of space near the Hekaras system, so-called due to its absence of tetryon fields elsewhere in the local area. And it is a 12 light year long corridor for safe navigation. In 2370 the U.S.S.Flemming NCC-20316 had a warpcore breach and made the region diffacult to navigate in and caused a subspace rift. Teh Enterprise NCC-1701D came along and with some of the natives proved that warp travel speed must be reduced or eliminated or the the Hekaras sector of space will become unlivable
Reference:TNG Force Of Nature(Pictures scanned by LtcmndrJad)

Homeworld to an extinct race long thought mythical until clues to its location at coordinate 227-m-359 near the Romulan side of the Neutral Zone were discovered by the late Capt. Donald Varley amid some outpost ruins at another site. It is dead now, its cities destroyed by large-scale aerial attack, but a generator continued within the mountains of its smaller continent until destroyed by Captain Picard to keep it out of Romulan hands in 2365.
Reference:TNG Contagion
