Look at the most powerfull Spacestation in the known galaxy.
Deep Space 9
Look at the most powerfull and ultimate Space Station in the Alpha Quadrant and quite possibly the most powerfull station in the Galaxy. This station is a covergence of Cardasian and Federation technology. Once called Terok Nor when the Cardasians occupied Bajor. This station was built with Cardasian ingenuity and Bajoran slave labor. What was once a sad and unfortunate fate for the Bajorans turned into one of great fortune and fame for the Bajoran people. This station has been in possesion of the Dominion Cardasian Rule and was taken over again by the Federation and again the Alpha quadrant peace was restored. This station has proved itself again and again. Been attacked by the Cardasians a few times in the begining And then by the Klingons And other small hit and run raids. And not to mention last but not least The Dominion. And yes it has been captured by the Dominion Cardasian Union. And still to this very star date the Station still survives. What other station has taken the beating and still is in one piece and still doing its duty. And its purpose now that the wormhole is open is to bring trade and exploration through the wormwhole and as a base against the dominion.

And now for its weapon arsonell. There are 6 defence sails located on the inner docking ring and each one has a Rotating Phaser Turret that fires a phaser in a 360 Degree radius and a front mounted Micro torpedo launcher that can fire in rapid sucession. And also there is Federation phaser strips and photon torpedo launchers that emerge from there concealed position as a pop up weapon when needed. And these are located all over the station and mostly in the outer docking ring and around the docking pylons.The station has very heavy shielding and can take a extraordinary amount of punishment.

DS9 Has 6 docking pylons. Who could miss them lol. And the outer ring has many spaces for small to medium sized star ships and the inner ring is for smaller ships like shuttles and Runabouts. And yes the Large docking pylons are for large ships like Galaxy,Intrepid,and Soveriegn class ships.

And If you ever watched the show Deep Space Nine you will know what goes on in this place. Filled with intrige and thousands of people of alot of different races. Alot of trade and negotiations and lots of shops on the promenade makes this one exciting place. So dont take my word for it watch the show.

I would also like to mention the ships that are stationed here for duty and the Main ship is the Defiant and that is one mean ship. And there is a number of Runbouts that have been used here and I am going to name some of them and not all of them are in service. Some of them have been destroyed. And by the way these are Danube class Runabouts. And there names are USS Ganges, USS Mekong, USS Orinoco, USS Rio Grande, USS Volga, USS Yangtzee Kiang, USS Yukon, And that is all the ones that I can find so far.

I will be posting more information about the station later.
