1.)Argelius II
A class M planet that has humanoid life forms on it, This planet is also on major trade routes and has a few bases there. The planet was also attacked by the Redjac entity in 2267 AKA Jack The Ripper.Some of the inhabitants are psionists.
Reference:TOS #32 Wolf in the fold

2.)Acamar III
Planet of the Acamarians. The population was split into 2 factions. One was the Acamarians and they were the ones that stayed on the planet and the others were the Gatherers. Maruaders,Thiefs and Rogues. The population was unified in 2366 with Captain Picards mediation.This star system is known as Theta Eridani,A binary system of 2 class A stars. They are aproximately 50-60 light years from Sol. Nearby Celestial sights:Hroni Cluster
Reference:TNG The Vengeance Factor

The only planet that can cloak. The cloak uses a E-M screen that severly taxes the ozone layer of the atmosphere. And also has other effects on the inhabitants,Like sterility and some amount of rashes resulting from radiation poisoning. Alot of the planet life was also eradicated by the radiation a century before the E-M cloak shield was disabled with the help of the USS Enterprise D. This world was a rumor for along time. And alot of space farers yarns floated about in space docks for centuries before the Federation. The planet was rediscovered in 2364.
Reference:TNG When The Bough Breaks

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Class M planet. Very cold surface conditions. Barley qualifies for class M status. Geosurveyed by the Enterprise 1701A in stardate 1672.1. The crew suffered sever frostbite after being stranded on the planet from a transporter malfunction.
referece:TOS#5 The Enemy Within

5.)Alpha Onias III
A class M planet thought devoid of life untill Barash's species was discovered there in 2367. This planet has one cavern that has volcanic gases like methane,Sulfur dioxide,and Hydrogen sulfide. A star within the Onias sector with at least 3 planets.
Reference:TNG Future Imperfect

6.)Alpha Carinae
A class M planet where Dr. Daystroms M-5 Multi Tronic computer was tested in 2268. The M-5 controled Enterprise 1701A also fought 5 other Federation Computer controlled ships in this area. Nearby Celestial sights:Alpha Carinae V-Home planet of the species Drella. A humanoid species that absorbs energy from other species that show love.(TOS#36 wolf in the fold)
Reference:TOS#53 The Ultimate Computer

This Mammoth single celled organism, measuring approximately 18,000 kilometres by 3,000 kilometres, had an energy-absorbing membrane capable of paralysing nearby objects or ships, which the Ameoba could then consume. Spock was able to destroy the organism, and thereby save the Enterprise by using a shuttle to implant an antimatter bomb in the cell nucleus. The Ameoba destroyed the USS Intrepid and much of the Gamma 7A system.
Reference:The Immunity Syndrome ST:TOS(info by Lt. Nikki)

8.)Angle I
A remote class M planet that has a matriarchy society. A potential UFPP member. Located near the Romulan Neutral Zone. Was last visited in 2302. The Enterprise 1701D came looking for the crashed freighter on the surface of the planet 62 years later. The crashed freighter was the result of a collision with a asteroid 7 years ago.
Reference:TNG Angel One

9.)Angosia III
A blue Class M world, just emerging victorious from its war with the Tarsians in 2366 when its bid to join the Federation is jeopardized after Captain Jean-Luc Picard discovereds that the native authorities imprisoned bio-altered veterans on a lunar colony once the war was won. Angosia's capital city is modern with spired high-rise buildings, some of which are connected with shuttle-car tubes
Nearby Celestial Sights:Angosia III Asteroid.(See Lunar V)
Reference:TNG The Hunted

A planet in the Beta Renner system and home world to a canine-like carnivorous race who are deadly enemies of their system neighbors, the Selay.Nearby is a strange cloud that takes possesion of minds and controls them for brief periods of time.
Reference:TNG Lonely Among US

11.)Antide III
A planet that is home to a fishlike race interested in joining the Federation in 2365; Pacifica, site of the admission conference, is three days away at an unspecified warp speed. Not all the natives wished for UFP membership, and two terrorists posed as delegates to blow up the conference were apprehended aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise.The planet might be Class M and it mostly a large body of water
Reference:TNG Manhunt

A Class M planet and Federation member in 2268, despite its dual system of a privileged upper class located in the city of Stratos, considered the finest example of sustained antigravity elevation in the galaxy, and the lower-class Troglytes on the surfaceforced to mine zenite. Capt. James Kirk helped end years of mistrust bewteen the two in 2269 whle retrieving zenite to stop a plague.Nearby Celestial Sites:Merak II
Reference:TOS#74 The Cloud Minders

A plane threatened by a bacterial invasion on stardate 5730.2, in 2268, until the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 conducts an orbital decontamination on the planet.Nearby there is a planet that is completely annihilated on the surface by 2 races that each are half white and half black. Although on each the color is reversed. No name for this planet
Reference:TOS#70 Let This Be Your Last Battle Field

A Type C asteroid crashed into an unpopulated continent of Penthara IV, threatening a nuclear winter-like ecological disaster until the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D helped dispel its dust cloud. Another asteroid from the Pelloris field nearly threatens Tessen III with the same type of destruction before it is vaporized by the same starship.. Its nitrium alloy core prevents a tractor beam lock, is undamaged when hit by photon torpedoes, and is later discovered to be the home of metal parasites.
Reference:TNG A Matter Of Time

15.)Asteroid Field
Asteroids which lie within interstellar space, rather than orbiting a star within its system. Brull's direct course from Gamma Hromi II to Chorgan's base planet is 343-m-72, but Wesley Crusher tactfully suggested an alternate route to miss an asteroid field along that line and take only 12.1 minutes longer at Warp 7. In the Delta Quadrant , one field surveyed a month before SD 49373 yielded a form of dilithium more stable at much higher high warp frequencies than the norm, allowing Paris to break the Warp 10 barrier.
Reference:None at the moment

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16.)Andromeda Galaxy
One of the Closest galaxy's to the Milky way. Also home of the Kelvins a race of imperialistic exspantionistic empire. They are incorporal creatures able to assume material form. They are also rumored to have robot operated fleets of ships with Power absorbtion pannels and transporter beams that rip ships apart as the lock onto them.The Kelvins were discovered on a class M planet and then they altered the ship and went to the Galactic Barrier(See Entry under the G section)There Galaxy is rumored to have too high of a radiation level and in a few hundred more years will not have any more life there
Reference:TOS#50 By Any Other Name
