A class M planet that is inhabited by a human like race that is in the middle of the industrial age. This planet is orbiting the star M34 Alpha. A Federation historian named John Gill came and brought the philosiphy of the Nazi and corrupted the whole society untill a underground movement stoped the Nazi's in a coup in 2267
References: TOS Patterns Of Force
The Ferengi homeworld is a feted dismal swamp with a near-endless planetwide downpour. Its capital city is a series of domes broken by a tall spire, the Tower of Commerce in the Sacred Marketplace, the center of all Ferengi civilization.
References:DS9 Familly Buisiness.
47.)Founders Home World ?
Located in the Omarion Nebula. This is a unamed planet and is also a rouge planet drifting without a fixed orbit around the sun. The inhabitants are the Changlings. Security Chief Odo of Deep Space 9 is from that planet. Cardasian and Romulan Allieghence once came and ambushed the planet and devestated the planet. This however did nothing as the Changlings moved there home to another location before the invasion.
This planet had large oceans of Changlings called the Great Link. And also had plants and flora that did not require photosynthesis. This planet is dark most of the time because there is no sun to give it light. And some of the life there would have made some interesting studies.
Reference:DS9 The Search